Patented technology 20+ years in the making

We’re snowboarders, skiers, inventors, engineers and entrepreneurs, pushing the limits of what’s possible inside a giant rotating snowy full pipe.

Snowtunnel® is Bringing the Snow®.

It’s a combination of our patented Snowtunnel technology and other proprietary intellectual property working in unison to create a continuous rotating snow surface made from real frozen water, to be enjoyed however you choose.

From small beginnings, with the first version at 4.2mt (14 feet) in diameter built in the investors shed by hand from scrap metal, he knew he had the core technology right and lodged a patent. But it needed something extra to elevate it to the next level.

Now at over 3 stories high, we’re pretty sure Snowtunnel® is the biggest rideable full pipe in the world. The extra space is mind blowing! It’s a whole new experience, using real water to create an ice & snow surface to shred anywhere, all year round and in any weather. At the same time, we can make dry powder snow fall from the sky while it’s being ridden.

Snowtunnel is a whole new riding experience, like nothing you’ve ever tried before.

Water is sprayed in metered amounts around the internal surface of the tunnel to form a series of distinct layers of snow crystals, which are built up and groomed to form layers of snow similar to man-made snow you’d find at a modern snow resort.

Then we utilise our proprietary ability to create sub-zero ambient temperatures inside the tunnel to make man-made powder snow, providing a top layer of fluffy white stuff to float over or carve. You’ll be surprised how dry the powder snow is!

Click here to see our R&D tunnel making powder snow.

Motors turn the tunnel at variable speeds (chosen by the rider) providing constant power and momentum, which can be harnessed by the rider. If you want to go higher, just edge your board or skis and let the tunnel drag you up the wall, so you can drop back in to build even more speed and momentum, then edge hard again and set up for the next trick.

Riders can use the quarter pipe shapes at the end of the tunnel together with the radius of the tunnel to carve both the length and width of the riding surface. Snowtunnel is a whole new riding experience, like nothing you’ve ever tried before. The boundaries have not yet been reached, let alone pushed beyond, so we’re looking forward to seeing what can be done with all the power, space and speed.

We’re working with leading snow grooming, robotics and electrical integration companies to provide a variety of different surfaces to ride, the highest levels of safety and the ultimate customer experiences.

We’ve only just begun.

Progress at your own pace

Snowtunnel® is a great way to try snowboarding or skiing for the first time, hone your skills, level up your progression and keep your legs fit all year round.

Our learning bar and platform allows instructors to provide face to face teaching, which will take you from an absolute beginner to full tunnel free-rider, quickly and safely…and these skills will transfer directly to the mountain.

The variable speed modes give you control of the rotation, allowing each rider to dial up or down the intensity on a run by run basis. Start off mellow and crank it up throughout your session, or just focus on perfecting a trick for the whole session, you get to decide.

Advanced riders will be able to grind and slide on the coping or speed up the tunnel, use the quarter pipe banks at each end and the huge transitions of the tunnel to push the limits of what’s possible in a full pipe.

Check out our Experiences section to see how Snowtunnel allows you to Learn, Ride, Train or Play.

R&D Prototype Tunnel

Our full scale R&D prototype Snowtunnel® is in a “not so secret” location on the side of a very busy road outside Melbourne, Australia.

Having sat as just a metal frame for many years, this half finished giant structure on the side of the road had the locals of Dandenong guessing for years. In 2023, with a new capital injection and an increased level of enthusiasm from the co-founders, the R&D tunnel construction was finished by hand over an 8 month period. Shout out to Kess, Daniel, Sam, Ben, Luke, Joel, Andy, Joel and Mick…..and others that have offered advice along the way.

The R&D tunnel was a full size commercial prototype, which proved we could make snow accessible anywhere, anytime and in any weather. Throughout the test period, we were able to collect valuable operational data, which validated our engineering hypothesis and achieved all of our goals. We successfully tested a wide array of use cases and had numerous days riding despite it almost being summer, with the temperature in Melbourne reaching 29°C (84°F) on some days!

Note: The R&D prototype tunnel is NOT open to the public.

Snowtunnel is Bringing the Snow™

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Snowtunnel is Bringing the Snow™. Whether you want to Learn, Ride, Train or Play, the Snowtunnel has an experience that will suit all levels of riders, from absolute beginners to expert shredders and everyone in between.

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We are talking to venue operators all over the world about bringing a Snowtunnel® to a venue near you as soon as possible and once they are confirmed, we’ll add those locations here.